• COM5: Reinforcements

    COM5: Reinforcements

  • COM5: Reinforcements

    COM5: Reinforcements


fib Commission 5 (COM5) gathers a balanced mix of experts coming from various fields (academics, owners, suppliers, government agencies and testing laboratories) who are volunteering their work into several task groups aiming to provide knowledge and information to students and the professional workforce for the best use of concrete.

Scope and objective of technical work

The scope of COM5 is to promote the technology for reinforcing and prestressing materials and systems and to improve their quality. This includes aspects from design, production, testing, up to the installation and final use of these materials and systems. The scope also includes maintaining and improving dialogue between producers, specifiers, and users of these materials and systems.

Finally, COM5 encourages new research and developments within its scope.


Antonio CaballeroCommission Chair
Antonio Caballero
Hermann WeiherDeputy Chair
Hermann Weiher

First name Last name Country Affiliation
Hans Rudolf Ganz Switzerland Ganz Consulting
Josée Bastien Canada University Laval
Akio Kasuga Japan Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co., Ltd
Ulf Nürnberger Germany University of Stuttgart
Kiyotaka Hosoi Japan Shinko Wire Company Ltd
Pedro Almeida Brazil Sao Paulo University
Larry Krauser United States General Technologies, Inc.
Tommaso Ciccone Italy TENSA (Tensacciai s.r.l.)
Werner Brand Germany DYWIDAG-Systems International GmbH
Antonio Caballero Switzerland Screening Eagle Technologies AG
Carol Hayek United States CCL
Randall Poston United States Pivot Engineers
Christian Gläser Germany DYWIDAG-Systems International
Teddy Theryo United States BCC Engineering
David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
Jaime Gálvez Ruiz Spain Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Hiroshi Mutsuyoshi Japan Saitama University , Fac. of Eng.
Hermann Weiher Germany matrics engineering GmbH
Alex Gutsch Germany MPA Braunschweig
Stijn Matthys Belgium Ghent University
Shinya Ikehata Japan Central Nippon Expressway Co Ltd
Sven Junge Germany ISB Institut für Stahlbetonbewehrung e.V.
Ladin Camci United Kingdom CARES (Certification Authority for Reinforcing Steels)
Hirokazu Katsuda Japan Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
Guillermo Ramirez Switzerland VSL International Ltd
Cesare Prevedini Brazil Protende Sistemas e Métodos de Construcoes
Reggie H. Holt United States Federal Highway Administration
Gregory Hunsicker United States OnPoint Engineering and Technology LLC
Xiaomeng Wang Switzerland BBR VT international Ltd.
Albert Delgado United States General Technologies, Inc.
Ivica Zivanovic France Freyssinet

  • TG5.1 - FRP Reinforcement for concrete structures

    The main objectives of TG5.1 are:

    • The elaboration of design guidelines in accordance with the design format of the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 (“fib MC2010”) and Eurocode 2.
    • Link with other initiatives regarding material testing and characterisation & development of standard test methods.
    • Participation in the international forum in the field of advanced composite reinforcement, stimulating the use of FRP for concrete structures.
    • Guidance on practical execution of concrete structures reinforced/prestressed/strengthened by FRP.

    Stijn MatthysConvener
    Stijn Matthys

    • WP5.1.1 - Strengthening by FRP
      FRP as externally applied reinforcement for strengthening existing concrete members has not only the benefit of being non-susceptible to corrosion and high strength, but also the easy-of-application and effectiveness as a repair/strengthening/retrofitting technique. Over the last decades externally bonded FRP reinforcement has become increasingly popular in practice, with thousands of applications worldwide. This is largely due to the pre-normative work of fib T5.1 in this respect. Next to more recent work on externally bonded FRP, focus is also on novel types of FRP strengthening systems, including near surface mounted FRP and textile reinforced mortar.
      This working party finished a comprehensive Bulletin 90, after which the work focussed on the following topics:
      • Introduction of strengthening by FRP in the Model Code 2020
      • Introduction of strengthening by FRP in the upcoming Eurocode 2
      • Development of design examples in follow-up of B90 and in support of MC2020.

      Stjin MatthysConvener
      Stjin Matthys
      Thanasys TriantafillouConvener
      Thanasys Triantafillou

      First name Last name Country Affiliation
      David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
      Leonardo Todisco Spain E.T.S.I. Caminos, Canales y Puertos
      Ted Donchev United Kingdom Kingston University
      Stijn Matthys Belgium Ghent University
      Nicola Nistico Italy Sapienza Università di Roma
      Eva Oller Ibars Spain Technical University of Catalonia
      Mohammadali Rezazadeh Portugal University of Minho
      José Manuel de Sena Cruz Portugal University of Minho
      Eythor Thorhallsson Iceland Reykjavik University
      Raphael JANIV France -
      György L. Balázs Hungary Budapest Univ. of Techn. & Economics
      Luís Correia Portugal University of Minho
      Ines Costa Portugal CiviTest, Portugal
      Tommaso D’Antino Italy Politecnico di Milano
      Marco Damiani Italy Universita La Sapienza di Roma
      Joaquim A. O. Barros Portugal Universidade do Minho
      Salvador Dias Portugal University of Minho
      David Escolano Margarit United Kingdom The University of Sheffield
      Renata Kotynia Poland Lodz University of Technology
      Thanasis Triantafillou Greece University of Patras
      Antonio Nanni Italy Univ. degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
      Diana Petkova United Kingdom Kingston University
      Theodoros Rousakis Greece Democritus University of Thrace
      André Weber Germany Schöck Bauteile GmbH
      Yoshiaki Yamamoto Japan -
      Katarzyna Zdanowicz Germany Technische Universität Dresden

    • WP5.1.2 - Internal FRP reinforcement
      FRP reinforcements offer high strength and corrosion resistance. In FRP reinforced concrete design, durability and serviceability limit states typically govern, as FRP's inherent strength often renders the ultimate limit state non-critical. Cost considerations currently limit widespread adoption, confining FRP applications to niche areas where its unique benefits are substantial, such as enhancing durability in harsh environments or providing magnetic neutrality. Despite these well-established advantages, the practical adoption of FRP reinforcement remains limited.
      A key objective of this working party is the development of a successor to Bulletin 40, alongside other activities aimed at stimulating the practical use of FRP reinforcement:
      • Introduction of provisions for internal FRP reinforcement in Model Code and future versions of Eurocode 2
      • Development of design examples in accordance with Model Code and state-of-the-art approaches
      • An updated state-of-the-art, building on Bulletin 40 and providing background information for Model Code 2020 and informing future developments

      Maurizio GuadagniniConvener
      Maurizio Guadagnini
      Luis TorresConvener
      Luis Torres

      First name Last name Country Affiliation
      Maurizio Guadagnini United Kingdom University of Sheffield
      Lluis Torres Spain University of Girona
      David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
      Erkan Akpinar Turkey Kocaeli University
      Marta Baena Spain University of Girona
      György L. Balázs Hungary Budapest Univ. of Techn. & Economics
      Gabriele Balconi Italy Sireg Geotech s.r.l.
      Bryan Barragan France OCV Chambery International
      Cristina Barris Spain Universitat de Girona
      Veronica Bertolli Italy -
      Antonio Bilotta Italy University of Naples Federico II
      Nora Bies Germany TU Kaiserslautern
      Valter Carvelli Italy Politecnico di Milano
      Paolo Casadei Italy Sireg Geotech s.r.l.
      Simon Chołostiakow United Kingdom City University London
      Christoph Czaderski-Forchmann Switzerland EMPA, Structural Engineering
      Tommaso D’Antino Italy Politecnico di Milano
      Joaquim A. O. Barros Portugal Universidade do Minho
      Ted Donchev United Kingdom Kingston University
      David Escolano Margarit United Kingdom The University of Sheffield
      Annalisa Franco Italy Italian National Research Council
      Douglas Gremel United States Owens Corning
      Viktor Gribniak Lithuania Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
      Tomislav Kisicek Croatia University of Zagreb
      Renata Kotynia Poland Lodz University of Technology
      Lampros Koutas Greece University of Thessaly
      B. Kriekemans Belgium Fortius
      Marianoela Leone Italy Universita del Salento
      Stijn Matthys Belgium Ghent University
      Tom Molkens Belgium KU Leuven
      Khaled Mohamed Canada -
      Antonio Nanni Italy Univ. degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
      Emidio Nigro Italy Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
      Eva Oller Ibars Spain Technical University of Catalonia
      Stavroula (S.J.) Pantazopoulou Canada The Lassonde Faculty of Engineering, York University
      Diana Petkova United Kingdom Kingston University
      Francesca Roscini Italy University of Sheffield
      José Manuel de Sena Cruz Portugal University of Minho
      Sándor Sólyom Hungary Budapest Univ. of Techn. & Economics
      Souzana Tastani Greece Democritus University of Thrace
      Nicolae Taranu Romania Technical University of Iasi
      Eythor Thorhallsson Iceland Reykjavik University
      Niki Trochoutsou United Kingdom University of Sheffield
      Ana Veljkovic Italy Politecnico di Milano
      Mark Verbaten Netherlands ABT bv
      André Weber Germany Schöck Bauteile GmbH
      Katarzyna Zdanowicz Germany Technische Universität Dresden
      Yu Zheng China -

    • WP5.1.3 - Prestressing with FRP
      FRP reinforcements have the benefit of being non-susceptible to corrosion and having high strength. To utilize the high strength of FRP, it is of particular interest to also use them in prestressing applications. This results in prestressed concrete structures, making use of FRP prestressing reinforcement, with a unique combination of high-end mechanical and durability performance.
      The proposed bulletin would be a state-of-the-art report which special focus on the two different topics:
      • Prestressed FRP for new structures
      • Prestressing of FRP for strengthening purpose of RC and PC

      Renata KotyniaConvener
      Renata Kotynia
      Christoph CzaderskyConvener
      Christoph Czadersky

      First name Last name Country Affiliation
      Renata Kotynia Poland Lodz University of Technology
      Christoph Czaderski-Forchmann Switzerland EMPA, Structural Engineering
      David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
      Veronica Bertolli Italy -
      György L. Balázs Hungary Budapest Univ. of Techn. & Economics
      Erkan Akpinar Turkey Kocaeli University
      Marta Baena Spain University of Girona
      Bryan Barragan France OCV Chambery International
      Cristina Barris Spain Universitat de Girona
      Antonio Bilotta Italy University of Naples Federico II
      Valter Carvelli Italy Politecnico di Milano
      Dionysios Bournas United Kingdom Nottingham University
      Paolo Casadei Italy Sireg Geotech s.r.l.
      Francesca Ceroni Italy Universitá degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope
      Luís Correia Portugal University of Minho
      Tommaso D’Antino Italy Politecnico di Milano
      Joaquim A. O. Barros Portugal Universidade do Minho
      Halldor Gunnar Dadason Iceland Reykjavik University, Orbicon Artic
      Ciro Del Vecchio Italy -
      David Escolano Margarit United Kingdom The University of Sheffield
      Ted Donchev United Kingdom Kingston University
      Marta Del Zoppo Italy University of Naples Federico II
      Marco Di Ludovico Italy University of Naples
      Reyes Garcia Lopez United Kingdom School of Engineering, University of Warwick
      Maurizio Guadagnini United Kingdom University of Sheffield
      Tomislav Kisicek Croatia University of Zagreb
      Kaloyana Kostova United Kingdom National Composites Centre
      Ivana Krajnović Belgium Ghent University
      Stijn Matthys Belgium Ghent University
      Azer Maazoun Belgium Ghent University
      Gian Piero Lignola Italy University of Naples Federico II
      Tom Molkens Belgium KU Leuven
      Emidio Nigro Italy Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
      Eva Oller Ibars Spain Technical University of Catalonia
      Stavroula (S.J.) Pantazopoulou Canada The Lassonde Faculty of Engineering, York University
      Niek Pouwels Netherlands ABT
      Alessandro Proia Belgium Ghent University
      Andrea Prota Italy Universita di Napoli Federico II
      José Manuel de Sena Cruz Portugal University of Minho
      Theodoros Rousakis Greece Democritus University of Thrace
      Sándor Sólyom Hungary Budapest Univ. of Techn. & Economics
      Javad Shayanfar Portugal University of Minho
      Souzana Tastani Greece Democritus University of Thrace
      Eythor Thorhallsson Iceland Reykjavik University
      Georgia Thermou United Kingdom University of Nottingham
      Simone Tomai United Kingdom Richter Associates Ltd
      Lluis Torres Spain University of Girona
      Niki Trochoutsou United Kingdom University of Sheffield
      Thanasis Triantafillou Greece University of Patras
      Ana Veljkovic Italy Politecnico di Milano
      Mark Verbaten Netherlands ABT bv
      Muhammad Arslan Yaqub Belgium Ghent University
      Yu Zheng China -

    First name Last name Country Affiliation
    György L. Balázs Hungary Budapest Univ. of Techn. & Economics
    Francesca Ceroni Italy Universitá degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope
    Stavroula (S.J.) Pantazopoulou Canada The Lassonde Faculty of Engineering, York University
    Emidio Nigro Italy Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
    Andreea Serbescu United Kingdom University of Sheffield+ Amey consulting
    Dionysios Bournas United Kingdom Nottingham University
    Cristina Barris Spain Universitat de Girona
    Valter Carvelli Italy Politecnico di Milano
    Tommaso D’Antino Italy Politecnico di Milano
    Emmanuel Ferrier France Université Lyon 1
    Reyes Garcia Lopez United Kingdom School of Engineering, University of Warwick
    Tomislav Kisicek Croatia University of Zagreb
    Nicola Nistico Italy Sapienza Università di Roma
    Alessandro Proia Belgium Ghent University
    José Manuel de Sena Cruz Portugal University of Minho
    Ted Donchev United Kingdom Kingston University
    Christoforos Kolyvas Greece FYFE EUROPE S.A.
    Douglas Gremel United States Owens Corning
    Antonio Nanni Italy Univ. degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
    Maria Rosaria Pecce Italy University of Naples Federico II
    Andrea Prota Italy Universita di Napoli Federico II
    Thierry Berset Switzerland SIKA Services AG
    Konrad Zilch Germany TU München
    Antonio Bilotta Italy University of Naples Federico II
    Carlos Ospina United States Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger Inc.
    Eythor Thorhallsson Iceland Reykjavik University
    André Weber Germany Schöck Bauteile GmbH
    Szymon Cholostiakow United Kingdom University of Sheffield
    Thanasis Triantafillou Greece University of Patras
    Eva Oller Ibars Spain Technical University of Catalonia
    David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
    Lluis Torres Spain University of Girona
    B. Kriekemans Belgium Fortius
    Sándor Sólyom Hungary Budapest Univ. of Techn. & Economics
    Vanessa Buchin Roulie Switzerland VSL INTERNATIONAL
    Viktor Gribniak Lithuania Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
    Tamon Ueda China Shenzhen University
    Stijn Matthys Belgium Ghent University
    Renata Kotynia Poland Lodz University of Technology
    Vesna Raicic United Kingdom University of Bath
    Ana Veljkovic Italy Politecnico di Milano
    Maurizio Guadagnini United Kingdom University of Sheffield
    Theodoros Rousakis Greece Democritus University of Thrace
    Lampros Koutas Greece University of Thessaly
    Joaquim A. O. Barros Portugal Universidade do Minho
    Georgia Thermou United Kingdom University of Nottingham
    Mark Verbaten Netherlands ABT bv
    Yu Zheng China -
    Marta Del Zoppo Italy University of Naples Federico II
    Erkan Akpinar Turkey Kocaeli University
    Marta Baena Spain University of Girona
    Bryan Barragan France OCV Chambery International
    Jian-Fei Chen Taiwan, Province of China Southern University of Science and Technology
    Mihaela Anca Ciupala United Kingdom University of East London
    Halldor Gunnar Dadason Iceland Reykjavik University, Orbicon Artic
    Marco Di Ludovico Italy University of Naples
    David Escolano Margarit United Kingdom The University of Sheffield
    Sorin-Codrut Florut Romania Politehnica University of Timisoara
    Ivana Krajnović Belgium Ghent University
    Marianoela Leone Italy Universita del Salento
    Ali M. Mohaghegh Germany E. ON Climate & Renewables GmbH
    Azer Maazoun Belgium Ghent University
    Niek Pouwels Netherlands ABT
    Francesca Roscini Italy University of Sheffield
    Roman Sedlmair Germany Karlsruher Institut für Technology (KIT)
    Souzana Tastani Greece Democritus University of Thrace
    Niki Trochoutsou United Kingdom University of Sheffield
    Muhammad Arslan Yaqub Belgium Ghent University
    Katarzyna Zdanowicz Germany Technische Universität Dresden
    Robert Garke Germany Halfen
    Nora Bies Germany TU Kaiserslautern
    Gian Piero Lignola Italy University of Naples Federico II
    Mohammadali Rezazadeh Portugal University of Minho
    Christoph Czaderski-Forchmann Switzerland EMPA, Structural Engineering
    Luís Correia Portugal University of Minho
    Ciro Del Vecchio Italy -
    Gabriele Balconi Italy Sireg Geotech s.r.l.
    Paolo Casadei Italy Sireg Geotech s.r.l.
    Marco Damiani Italy Universita La Sapienza di Roma
    Annalisa Franco Italy Italian National Research Council
    Peng Gao China Hefei University of Technology
    Chandan Gowda United Kingdom Atkins Global
    Szymon Grzesiak Germany RPTU Kaiserslautern
    Rania Khattab United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi University
    Kaloyana Kostova United Kingdom National Composites Centre
    Khaled Mohamed Canada -
    Ronald Niedermeier Germany Technische Universität München
    Daniel Pohoryles Italy European commission
    Javad Shayanfar Portugal University of Minho
    Leonardo Todisco Spain E.T.S.I. Caminos, Canales y Puertos
    Simone Tomai United Kingdom Richter Associates Ltd
    Michel Van Beek Netherlands BeVePro Consultancy
    Weiqiang Wang China Hohai University
    Yoshiaki Yamamoto Japan -
    Özgür Yurdakul Czech Republic Univerzita Pardubice
    Đorđe Čairović Czech Republic -
    Craig Giaccio United Kingdom Arcadis

  • TG5.2 - Reinforcing steels and systems

    fib Task Group 5.2 (TG5.2) will consider all aspects related to reinforcing steels and systems from design to manufacturing, testing and final installation, use and maintenance. It will initially address several topics considered high priority. TG5.2 will create sub-groups to work on particular subjects.

    Areas of interest:

    • review of the reinforcing steel grades available on the market (strength, ductility, bond, fatigue, durability properties) and relevant concrete structure design codes;
    • manual for reinforcing materials and systems;
    • technical report on fabrication of reinforcement;
    • state of the knowledge on the bond properties of reinforcing steels;
    • state of the knowledge on the fatigue resistance properties of reinforcing steels.

    Ladin CamciConvener
    Ladin Camci

    First name Last name Country Affiliation
    Hans Rudolf Ganz Switzerland Ganz Consulting
    Ulf Nürnberger Germany University of Stuttgart
    Steven McCabe United States Nat. Inst. of Standards & Technologies
    Manuel Elices Calafat Spain Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
    David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
    Larry Krauser United States General Technologies, Inc.
    John Cairns United Kingdom Heriot-Watt University
    Ladin Camci United Kingdom CARES (Certification Authority for Reinforcing Steels)
    Rolf Eligehausen Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart
    David Gustafson United States CRSI - Concrete Reinforcing Steel
    Sven Junge Germany ISB Institut für Stahlbetonbewehrung e.V.
    Dennis Keogh United Kingdom Laing O’Rourke Infrastructure Services
    Andrew Truby United Kingdom Truby Stevenson Ltd
    Vladyslav Shekhovtsov Ukraine Odesa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
    Emily Halliwell United Kingdom The Concrete Centre
    Thierry Steux Belgium -
    Matthias Ryser Germany Dr. Vollenweider AG
    Ezio Cadoni Switzerland DynaMat SUPSI Laboratory

  • TG5.3 - Prestressing materials and systems

    Since Eugène Freyssinet’s first of use high-strength steel wire for prestressing concrete in the late 1920s, there have been many changes in prestressing systems used around the world. Current systems bear little resemblance to many of the older methods used in the past. Designers and contractors need information regarding these historical practices and materials to evaluate existing prestressed concrete in need of repair and to determine effective strategies to extend service life and enhance performance. Further, as new technologies are developed, they are often used in some countries but not in others.

    Task Group 5.3 (TG5.3) has established two goals: 1) to develop a state-of-the-art report describing the evolution and development of prestressing systems and to identify recent innovations and advances, and 2) to develop a new bulletin that provides recommendations for the installation of post-tensioning systems.

    Tommaso CicconeConvener
    Tommaso Ciccone

    First name Last name Country Affiliation
    David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
    Theodore Neff United States General Technologies, Inc.
    Tommaso Ciccone Italy TENSA (Tensacciai s.r.l.)
    Christian Gläser Germany DYWIDAG-Systems International
    Carol Hayek United States CCL
    Kiyotaka Hosoi Japan Shinko Wire Company Ltd
    Shinya Ikehata Japan Central Nippon Expressway Co Ltd
    Larry Krauser United States General Technologies, Inc.
    Lev Zaretsky Russian Federation Armasteel Llc
    Hirokazu Katsuda Japan Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
    Nadarajah Surendran United Kingdom PRAETER Engineering Ltd
    Luca Civati Italy Tensacciai s.r.l.
    Jean‐Baptiste Domage Switzerland VSL
    Thierry Steux Belgium -
    Gregg A. Freeby United States ASBI (American Segmental Bridge Institute)
    Gregory Hunsicker United States OnPoint Engineering and Technology LLC
    Tony Johnson United States PTI
    Derek Gedling United Kingdom PSC

  • TG5.4 - Recommendations for ground anchor systems

    The overall motivation of Task Group 5.4 (TG5.4) is to establish a modern recommendation for the qualification of ground anchor systems.

    The main objective of TG5.4 is to prepare a bulletin entitled “Recommendation for ground anchor systems” based on and updating earlier documents such as the “Recommendations for the design and construction of ground anchors”, 1996. The recommendations will include significant content for qualification of ground anchor systems covering prestressed permanent and temporary anchors.

    Matthias RyserConvener
    Matthias Ryser
    Xiaomeng WangCo-Convener
    Xiaomeng Wang

    First name Last name Country Affiliation
    Ulf Nürnberger Germany University of Stuttgart
    Javier Ripoll Garcia-Mansilla Spain Ripoll Consulting de Ing.
    Cyril Gaucherand France Freyssinet
    Gosta Ericson Sweden Sweco VBB AB
    Mark Sinclair Australia Structural Systems (Civil) Pty Ltd
    David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
    Theodore Neff United States General Technologies, Inc.
    Chris Irvin United Kingdom DYWIDAG-SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL Ltd.
    Matthias Ryser Germany Dr. Vollenweider AG
    Hermann Weiher Germany matrics engineering GmbH
    Philipp Egger Switzerland VSL International LTD
    Behzad Manshadi Switzerland -
    Adrian Gnägi Switzerland VSL International Ltd.
    Toshiro Kido Japan Sumitomo (SEI) Steel Wire Corp.
    Xiaomeng Wang Switzerland BBR VT international Ltd.
    Andreas Schiller Germany Stahlwerk Annahütte
    Matthias Wild Germany DYWIDAG-Systems International

  • TG5.5 - Cables for cable-supported bridges

    fib Bulletin 89, Acceptance of cable systems using prestressing steels, as an update of the previous fib Bulletin 30 was published in 2019.

    The goal of Task Group 5.5 (TG5.5) is to work on selected individual topics related to cable systems for a further future update of Bulletin 89. The topics will be addressed one after the other and published in a few individual technical reports before they will be included in a full revision of Bulletin 89.

    Workflow and Timeline:

    • Fire protection and fire testing of cables: 2020 - 2023
    • Damper/damping requirements: 2022 - 2024
    • Icing / ice mitigation of cables: 2024 - 2025
    • Update on inspection technologies of cables
    • SHMS for cable stayed bridges with post-data processing
    • Illumination of stay cables
    • Terrorism protection of cables

    A new technical report on fire protection of stay cables is expected to be published in 2023.

    Werner BrandConvener
    Werner Brand

    First name Last name Country Affiliation
    Akio Kasuga Japan Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co., Ltd
    Kiyotaka Hosoi Japan Shinko Wire Company Ltd
    Christos Georgakis Denmark Aarhus University
    Adrian Tejera Spain Tycsa PSC Spain
    David Goodyear United States Consultant
    Tommaso Ciccone Italy TENSA (Tensacciai s.r.l.)
    Werner Brand Germany DYWIDAG-Systems International GmbH
    Antonio Caballero Switzerland Screening Eagle Technologies AG
    Kathy Meiss Germany Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences
    David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
    Jan Winkler Denmark Atkins
    Hiroshi Mutsuyoshi Japan Saitama University , Fac. of Eng.
    Alex Gutsch Germany MPA Braunschweig
    Shinya Ikehata Japan Central Nippon Expressway Co Ltd
    Manuel Escamilla García-Galán Spain PONTEM
    Robert Widmann Switzerland EMPA
    Gregory Hasbrouk United States Parsons
    Philipp Egger Switzerland VSL International LTD
    Haifeng Fan Switzerland BBR Vt International Ltd.
    Ivica Zivanovic France Freyssinet
    Behzad Manshadi Switzerland -
    Hirokazu Katsuda Japan Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
    Sherif Mohareb Germany KLÄHNE BUNG Ingenieure
    Felix Weber Switzerland Maurer Switzerland GmbH
    Max Vollmering Germany DYWIDAG-Systems Internationa
    Don Bergman Canada COWI
    Guy Larose Canada RWDI
    Andrea Castiglioni di Caronno Italy TENSA (Tensacciai s.r.l.)
    Albert Delgado United States General Technologies, Inc.
    Runal Bhattacharyya India IASTRUCTE, IRC, MIE

  • TG5.10 - Inspection and monitoring of reinforced/prestressed concrete structures

    Maintenance of aging infrastructure (buildings, bridges, tunnels, etc.) is a significant part of both public, and private-entities’ budgets. The worldwide infrastructure and property maintenance costs are estimated to be EUR 180 billion per year. These costs depend on industry sector, age of the assets and governmental regulations. They highly affect the financial situation of public bodies and the profitability of enterprises.

    There is a need to develop a guideline document to cover state-of-the-art inspection method statements, available sensor technologies including emerging digital solutions and remote sensing (e.g. drone inspection).

    The required time for the development of this guideline is estimated between two to three years. The rough and high-level schedule is suggested as follows:

    • First 6 to 9 months focused on building up the team and finalize the definition of the scope and content. Both are interlinked;
    • Next 12 to 18 months working on developing the content of the different chapters;
    • Final 6 to 9 months to finalize the first draft, including editorial review, before its submission to the TG 5.10 and C5;
    • Finally, some time is expected to engage the peer reviewers and answer questions/comments received from the TG 5.10 and C5.

    Antonio CaballeroConvener
    Antonio Caballero
    Jan WinklerConvener
    Jan Winkler

    First name Last name Country Affiliation
    Antonio Caballero Switzerland Screening Eagle Technologies AG
    Jan Winkler Denmark Atkins
    David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
    Helder Filipe Moreira de Sousa Portugal Brisa Group
    Gabriel Sas Sweden Luleå University of Technology
    Isaac Farretas Denmark COWI A/S. International Bridges
    Sara Subtil United Kingdom Arcadi Consulting (UK) Ltd.
    Andrej Anzlin Slovenia Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering
    Chris Mundell United Kingdom ATKINS Limited
    Hamed Layssi Canada FprimeC Solutions Inc.
    Cosimo Longo Italy Anas S.p.A.
    Ruben Romero Spain Freyssinet S.A.U.
    Andreas Castiglioni Italy Milano Serravalle S.p.A.
    Dara McDonnell Australia Arup
    Tohru Makita Japan Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited

  • TG5.12 - Ultra-high strength prestressing steels for post-tensioning kits and stay systems

    The goal of sustainability involves a consensus among economic, environmental and social factors. Due to climate change, environmental concerns have increased in society. The construction sector is among the most active high environmental impact sectors. Emissions from building and infrastructure construction are expected to form the single largest category of consumption-based emissions for C40 cities between 2017 and 2050, producing 21% of consumption emissions. As this period is critical for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in line with keeping global temperature rise to within 1.5ºC above pre-industrial averages, serious action is needed in this area.

    Ultra-High Strength Prestressing (UHSP) strands, namely strands with tensile strength of 2060 to 2360 MPa, has the potential to greatly reduce the quantity of steel necessary in concrete structures.

    The goal of new proposed Task Group is the development of a guideline where the key aspects of introducing ultra-high strength strands at different prestressing applications (along with post-tensioning and stay cable systems) i.e. crucial material properties and risk of hydrogen induced stress corrosion failure, design recommendation, system and material testing, quality control, etc. are covered.

    Behzad ManshadiConvener
    Behzad Manshadi

    First name Last name Country Affiliation
    Behzad Manshadi Switzerland -
    David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
    Matus Benovic Slovakia Industrial Steel Wires EMEA
    Tohru Makita Japan Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited
    Ulf Nürnberger Germany University of Stuttgart
    Chan Park Korea, Republic of COWI Korea
    Wilhelm Schneider Austria Austrian Inst. of Constr. Eng. (OIB)
    Matthias Wild Germany DYWIDAG-Systems International
    Christian Hagen Singapore -
    Hirokazu Katsuda Japan Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
    Johann Kollegger Austria Vienna University of Technology
    Pierluigi Colombi Italy Politecnico Milano
    Haifeng Fan Switzerland BBR Vt International Ltd.
    H. Gil Korea, Republic of Korea Expressway Corporation
    Bruce Hong Korea, Republic of Kiswire Ltd.
    Byul Shim Korea, Republic of DAOR E&C Co., Ltd
    Falk Meyer Germany Technische Universität München
    Werner Brand Germany DYWIDAG-Systems International GmbH

  • TG5.13 - Grouting of tendons in prestressed concrete

    Prestressed Concrete is a very efficient, reliable and durable form of construction. However, in the 1990’s it was discovered that grout was, in some cases, inadequate.

    Major investigations followed, and new regulations and recommendations (The Concrete Society TR47, PTI, fib bulletin 20, EN 445-447) were published, representing major steps forward in materials and testing requirements.

    Since then, the Concrete Society has released the technical report TR72, making the TR47 obsolete. PTI has published new issue of the M50.3 specification in 2012 and again in 2019.

    In 2022, time came to re-read and review the fib bulletin 20 and to collect the current state-of-the-art on grouting of multistrand tendons. The goal of Task Group was the development of a Guide to good practice, covering the same topics as the original bulletin 20.

    A first draft should be presented to Commision 5 in December 2025.

    Guillermo RamírezConvener
    Guillermo Ramírez

    First name Last name Country Affiliation
    Guillermo Ramirez Switzerland VSL International Ltd
    David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
    Carmen Andrade Spain Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en l’Ènginyeria (CIMNE)
    Tommaso Ciccone Italy TENSA (Tensacciai s.r.l.)
    Hans Rudolf Ganz Switzerland Ganz Consulting
    Christian Gläser Germany DYWIDAG-Systems International
    Behzad Manshadi Switzerland -
    Teddy Theryo United States BCC Engineering
    Mariela Cordero Verge Spain MK4 WORLD WIDE, S.L.
    Brian Merrill United States Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
    Alex Gutsch Germany MPA Braunschweig
    Kyoji Niitani Japan Oriental Shiraishi Corporation
    Matthias Wild Germany DYWIDAG-Systems International
    Byul Shim Korea, Republic of DAOR E&C Co., Ltd
    Tatiana Colomiicenco Austria Werba
    Jaime Gálvez Ruiz Spain Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
    Bruno Godart France -
    Stéphane Gonichon France Private
    Amparo Moragues Spain UPM
    Sylvie Paulus France Aiglon
    Tobias Reinelt Austria Werba
    Helena Santana France Aiglon
    Ivica Zivanovic France Freyssinet
    Mélanie Comet France Bouygues Construction Expertises Nucléaires
    Franck Peysson France Bouygues Construction Expertises Nucléaires
    Sophie Rallo-Bremond France EDF
    Charlotte Langella France EDF

  • TG5.14 - Durability of post-tensioning tendons

    The goal of new proposed Task Group is to update the fib bulletin 33 published in 2005 and merge with the FHWA's technical report "Methodology for risk assessement of post-tensioning tendons.

    Gregory HunsickerConvener
    Gregory Hunsicker
    Hans-Rudolf GanzCo-Convener
    Hans-Rudolf Ganz

    First name Last name Country Affiliation
    Hans Rudolf Ganz Switzerland Ganz Consulting
    Gregory Hunsicker United States OnPoint Engineering and Technology LLC
    David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
    Shinya Ikehata Japan Central Nippon Expressway Co Ltd
    Reggie H. Holt United States Federal Highway Administration
    Will Potter United States Florida Department of Transportation
    Teddy Theryo United States BCC Engineering
    Luigi Evangelista Italy Italferr SpA
    Walter Waldis Switzerland Swiss Federal Roads Office - FEDRO
    Pascal Massart Belgium SPW Mobility and Infrastructure
    Adrien Houel France French Ministry of Transports
    Gero Marzahn Cote d'Ivoire Germany Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport
    Brett Pielstick United States Eisman & Russo
    Gordon Clark United Kingdom Consultant
    Glenn Washer United States University of Missouri
    Christian Gläser Germany DYWIDAG-Systems International
    Larry Krauser United States General Technologies, Inc.
    Tommaso Ciccone Italy TENSA (Tensacciai s.r.l.)
    John Corven United States Hardesty & Hannover Convener
    On Cornelius United States -
    Edoardo Proverbio Italy University of Messina, Italy


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