• Corroded Prestressing Database

    Corroded Prestressing Database

  • FRC Residual Strength Database

    FRC Residual Strength Database

  • Punching Shear Database

    Punching Shear Database

Scope and Context

Following the need for model calibrations for current and future fib’s Model Codes, as well as other international standards, there is an international necessity to agree on representative test data and to provide it in Open Access as findable, accessible, interoperable and reproducible (FAIR). These data, independently validated and organized in the form of databases can be used in a transparent manner by multiple teams of researchers.

To date, numerous databases exist on different topics, such as shear, bond, shrinkage and creep. These existing databases are, however, mostly offline and static, and do not allow simple and simultaneous access, preventing their collaborative use. In addition, multiple instances exist on a single topic (with potentially different interpretations of the same test data).

Since February 2021, the fib is working on establishing a number of harmonized databases, with the following objectives:

  • To create a fib database with a common data structure, that can be used for different types of tests
  • To have easy (automated) import of data from existing databases
  • A common data structure allowing for data mining across task groups, generating potentially useful data for other purposes
  • To provide access to the sources of the data
  • To have commonly-agreed databases by the scientific community, useful for code calibration
  • To provide continuity and preserve the efforts of fib’s task groups and their members, merging efforts from a global community of researchers
  • To have the results publicly and freely available under Open Access and FAIR principles
  • To produce scientific publications
  • Data will be collected by stable groups and not by individuals, making data collections more transparent but also persistent

Databases are projects developed for a long period of time by many researchers. The work of some researchers is to include new test data in the database, while others check if the tests are relevant and have been properly developed. The databases are a project of the research community. Therefore, it is crucial to acknowledge all the participants for the work they have done in the long process of developing the databases. In the fib, we have done our best to recognise each person for the work done in each database. If any person or organisation thinks that further acknowledgements should be given to other persons, please contact the fib Secretariat or the editor of the relevant database so their request can be considered. 

  • Punching Shear Database

    The punching shear database gathers a wide collection of concentric punching tests of two-way reinforced concrete slabs at interior locations without shear reinforcement collected from tests reported in the literature. The “collected test result” database was jointly developed by fib Working Party 2.2.3 (effort led by RWTH and EPFL) and ACI Committee 445 (effort led by Carlos Ospina and other contributors) through a fruitful collaboration that started in 2013, cemented on test data gathering efforts undertaken earlier by both groups. The database was further enhanced by test data stemming from Rupert Walkner’s 2014 PhD thesis, and from previously unpublished work, and later reworked and verified extensively by fib WP 2.2.3 and ACI 445 contributors. The database includes more than 400 collected tests thoroughly documented with realistic dimensions and physical parameters.

    First public release: Feb. 2022

    Miguel Fernández RuizDatabase Editor
    Miguel Fernández Ruiz (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
    Carlos E. OspinaDatabase Co-Editor
    Carlos E. Ospina (Principal, Vice President, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, USA)
  • FRC Residual Strength Database

    The database on residual flexural/tensile strength of fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) gathers data from FRC characterization tests carried out across the world. The database encompasses different characterization tests (standardized and non-standardized), a wide range of FRC classifications (including softening and hardening flexural/tensile responses) and fiber types (material and geometries). The database aims to provide researchers with ample data for model calibrations and practitioners with practical information on the feasibility of FRC for structural purposes.

    First public release: Feb. 2022

    Albert de la FuenteDatabase Editor
    Albert de la Fuente (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
    Nikola TosicDatabase Co-Editor
    Nikola Tošić (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
  • Corroded Prestressing Database

    The database on the mechanical performance of corroded prestressing strands gathers data from experimental tensile tests carried out across the world. The database encompasses: (1) the corrosion type, natural or artificial, (2) the geometry and uncorroded mechanical properties, (3) the mechanical properties and the corrosion morphology and (4) the mechanical behaviour results from tests on corroded samples. In case of natural corrosion, additional information can be provided concerning the prestressed concrete members from which the samples are retrieved and environmental conditions. The database aims to provide researchers extensive data for model validation and calibrations concerning degraded prestressed concrete structures.

    First public release: Feb. 2024

    Beatrice BellettiDatabase Editor
    Beatrice Belletti (University of Parma, Italy)
    Simone RavasiniDatabase Co-Editor
    Simone Ravasini (University of Parma, Italy)


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e : info@fib-international.org
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