• fib Model Code for Concrete Structures (2020)


  • fib President Stephen Foster

    fib President Stephen Foster

    fib President 2023-2024

  • The International Federation for Structural Concrete

    The International Federation for Structural Concrete

    A Bridge between Research and Practice

    The knowledge developped and shared by the fib (fib Bulletins, fib events, fib workshops, fib courses, etc.) is entirely the result of the volunteer work provided by the fib members.


fib statutory member countries as of April 2019The 41 national groups, also referred to as statutory members, form the foundation of the fib.  These groups act as important forums for expertise, technical advances and information sharing in their respective countries among participants from government, academia, institutes and industry who are active in the field of civil engineering, concrete construction and concrete materials and technology. 

National groups may be composed of one or more existing national associations or may be an independent group of various entities active in the field. Every national group is represented in the general assembly by its national delegation, made up of its nominated delegates and their designated deputies.

Statutory membership benefits

  • Only national groups have voting rights in the general assembly;
  • Only countries with an fib national group can host fib congresses and symposia;
  • National groups are entitled to have their events co-sponsored by the fib;
  • Delegates and deputies representing the national groups are considered individual members and are entitled to the associated benefits;
  • National groups can nominate candidates for fib awards.

Statutory membership subscription rates

Subscription rates vary and the level chosen will determine the influence an NMG has in the general assembly, based on the number of votes each rate category allocates.  All national groups have one vote in the technical council.

btn national group normal

fib postal address

Ch. du Barrage, Station 18
CH-1015 Lausanne


p : +41 21 693 27 47
f : +41 21 693 62 45
e : info@fib-international.org
w : www.fib-international.org

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