• fib Model Code for Concrete Structures (2020)


  • fib President Stephen Foster

    fib President Stephen Foster

    fib President 2023-2024

  • The International Federation for Structural Concrete

    The International Federation for Structural Concrete

    A Bridge between Research and Practice

    The knowledge developped and shared by the fib (fib Bulletins, fib events, fib workshops, fib courses, etc.) is entirely the result of the volunteer work provided by the fib members.


Assessment of fire-damaged concrete using crack density measurements

Neil R. Short, Aston University, Birmingham
John A. Purkiss, Aston University, Birmingham
Sarah E. Guise, Aston University, Birmingham

Petrographic techniques have been developed to determine the nature and density of cracks that have developed after subjecting concrete to steady-state and transient heating regimes. The steady-state investigations showed that there was a good correlation between measurements of crack density and measurements of residual compressive strength. Crack density measurements taken on samples after transient heating have shown that the depth to which the compressive strength of the concrete is likely to have been significantly affected can be identified. Thus, this technique should provide very useful information for the evaluation of fire-damaged concrete.

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