• fib Model Code for Concrete Structures (2020)


  • fib President Stephen Foster

    fib President Stephen Foster

    fib President 2023-2024

  • The International Federation for Structural Concrete

    The International Federation for Structural Concrete

    A Bridge between Research and Practice

    The knowledge developped and shared by the fib (fib Bulletins, fib events, fib workshops, fib courses, etc.) is entirely the result of the volunteer work provided by the fib members.


Models for flexural cracking in concrete: the state of the art

A. Borosnyói, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
G. L. Balázs, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Crack formation presents a complex mechanical and geometrical question to be modelled. The available crack width formulations are often based on simplifications. A rigorous formulation of crack widths should be based on the integration of strain differences of reinforcement and concrete between cracks, due to the accumulated slips. In this paper an extensive literature review on crack widths and crack spacing is presented. The basic intention of the present paper is to summarise the development of flexural crack models and collect the most relevant formulae for crack spacing and crack width. It reports not only the possible improvement of design or research equations but also the appearance of new types of reinforcements with different characteristics from those of steel reinforcements. This state-of-the-art Report is a contribution to the work of fib TG 4.1 'Serviceability Models'.

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