• fib Model Code for Concrete Structures (2020)


  • fib President Stephen Foster

    fib President Stephen Foster

    fib President 2023-2024

  • The International Federation for Structural Concrete

    The International Federation for Structural Concrete

    A Bridge between Research and Practice

    The knowledge developped and shared by the fib (fib Bulletins, fib events, fib workshops, fib courses, etc.) is entirely the result of the volunteer work provided by the fib members.


The effects of the cooling rate on the residual properties of heated-up concrete

R. Kowalski, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland

This paper describes some tests performed on concrete specimens heated up to high temperature and then cooled down in water. The tests were carried out on cylindrical specimens, 103 mm in diameter and 200 mm in height, made of ordinary concrete with siliceous aggregate. The specimens were heated up to 330, 430 and 550 degrees C and then cooled down to room temperature in five various ways. A first group of specimens was cooled in air, while a second was immersed in water for 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes, respectively; after the rest period in water the specimens were cooled in air. The next day, after the heating and cooling process, the residual concrete compressive strength was measured. Rapid cooling of heated-up concrete had the highest influence on the strength degradation when the maximum temperature peaked at 330 degrees C while, in the case of thermal cycles peaking at 550 degrees C, the strength degradation was less dependent on the method of cooling. It was concluded that rapid cooling of heated-up concrete can cause a significant strength degradation, especially in the range of low temperatures. 

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