• fib Model Code for Concrete Structures (2020)


  • fib President Stephen Foster

    fib President Stephen Foster

    fib President 2023-2024

  • The International Federation for Structural Concrete

    The International Federation for Structural Concrete

    A Bridge between Research and Practice

    The knowledge developped and shared by the fib (fib Bulletins, fib events, fib workshops, fib courses, etc.) is entirely the result of the volunteer work provided by the fib members.


Registration is now open for the Concrete Innovation Conference 2014 (CIC2014), taking place in Oslo, Norway on 11-13 June 2014. The conference themes will cover innovation in, but not limited to, the following areas: environmentally friendly concrete structures, efficient construction, structural design and structural performance, prolongation of service life. In addition, to underline the importance of innovation, a contest will be organized to highlight the best innovation.

For registration and further information, visit http://www.cic2014.com.

fib postal address

Ch. du Barrage, Station 18
CH-1015 Lausanne


p : +41 21 693 27 47
f : +41 21 693 62 45
e : info@fib-international.org
w : www.fib-international.org

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